A couple of months ago, my former colleague invited me for the 'final makan' and the 'closing ceremony' of the department's special room. With many exciting changes having taken and going to take place there, things have been re-structured and the room as we knew it will cease to exist as the room as we knew it. It was a kind of tradition to have makan sessions in the room every now and then and I'm sure those played no small part in building the team up. I have many fond memories of my time with this group of people. It was probably the time I performed best as a worker because it was when I was most convicted as well as most enthusiastic about my job. I was actually apprehensive about joining this place but my colleagues' energy and belief in the task at hand were rather infectious. Now, some months before that, I was reading Bear Hugs' gift, Mean Girls Grown Up . Towards the end of the book, the author suggests: 'think back over the previous twel