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Little Women's Singapore Stopover

When watching the couple of Little Women episodes set in Singapore, I was a little amused about Singapore being used as a money stopover.  Little did I know then that it was a prelude to a real money laundering case that broke into the news!  Did the producers know something about feeding ill-gotten gains here that many Singaporeans weren’t aware of?! (This was my first time seeing our $1000 notes!)


Generally, I found the Singapore episodes rather funny.  I could not help laughing when Adrian Pang explained the Fullerton Hotel’s orchid suite and such in his pseudo ang moh accent.  I hope Koreans know that most of us don’t speak like that.  And why is Bridget Fernandez a “Mrs Foster”?  It would have been better to give her a more typical Eurasian name, no?  For example, she could be Mrs de Souza, Paglar, Pereira… or Fernandez.  I liked how Bridget tried saying “Mr Choi” in a Korean way, though!  Bridget easily had the funniest line in the whole show, when she declared that In-joo looks like "an edelweiss with morning dews".  Aiyoh, which Singaporean talks like that?!

On names, I also hope Koreans know that we in Singapore, including Bridget, Aaron Mossadeg, Ebi Shankara and Adrian with his accent, would have gotten In-joo’s name correct!  We all would have called her Ms Oh In-joo, not In-joo Oh.

come on Ebi, you know it's Ms Oh In-joo

It was funny seeing KinAh Boys and Mediacorp in a Korean drama and I’m sure the actors are grateful for the opportunity to be on the regional/global screen-stage.  Presumably, they didn’t mind doing just a few seconds as a security guard or gardener.  I don’t know why but when the gardener said, “Good morning, Ms Oh”, I thought of Henry Thia!  He could have done that!

I thought Bridget and orchid auctioneer Joshua Lim came off best in the Singapore scenes.

ah boy Joshua Tan in his awful red receptionist jacket

Even kaya toast had its moments of glory with In-joo and Hwa-young.

this I've never done -- enjoy kaya toast at Boat Quay

It was comical that the littering law was used to usher in Do-il’s rescue of In-joo!  However, the bigger crime – possession of firearms – got off really lightly.  People were handling that pistol, pointing it at others and so on, yet no one got the severe punishment they should have had!

not something you would even think of trying here


Other than these entertaining aspects, the show made Singapore look stunning!  It must be their filming or angles?  Even our MRT stations looked glamorous!  (But why was In-joo lugging the suitcase around on the trains?  She could have taken a cab/Grab car.)  Made me prouder of Singapore than the night scenes of F1 ever did.  Thank you, Little Women!

that fantastic Fullerton hotel suite!


Finally, a nagging question – was Mrs Foster in Sang-ah’s pay like the other Singaporeans were?  She helped In-joo with the bricks to trick Sang-ah and that is unexpected if she was part of Sang-ah’s conspiracy.  It would also be surprising if Sang-ah didn’t recruit the butler. 


Anyhow, we’re glad they enjoyed themselves in Singapore!  Do come back again and next time, bring In-Kyung along too!


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