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Welcome to Waikiki 2 (2019)

Was very pleased to find it on Netflix finally!


As with other shows that have sequels, we get different views about whether Part 2 lives up to expectations or comes off worse than Part 1 and so on.  I found Part 2 as entertaining and crazy!


The leads

The actors/characters were not equally entertaining, crazy and amusing, though.  Some people were raving about Kim Seon-ho but this is how I would rank them in terms of being funny (after all, this is a comedy).

Lee Yi-kyung (Jun-ki)

Kim Ye-won (Yu-ri)

Shin Hyun-soo (Ki-bong)

Kim Seon-ho (U-sik) 

Moon Ga-young (Soo-yeon)

Ahn So-hee (Jeong-eun)

so pretty... adding some stardust to Waikiki

This is not to say that Seon-ho didn’t act well.  It says that Yi-kyung, Ye-won, Hyun-soo and their characters are made for comedies.  Seon-ho’s character is more balanced – U-sik has funny parts but he also has many emotional, ‘normal’ scenes, and Seon-ho carries them off fine.  I found Ga-young/Soo-yeon very much like Lee Joo-woo playing Min-ah in Part 1 – overall not outrightly funny but nonchalant, oblivious and amusing when necessary.  In her case, she has more emotional scenes also, as the U-sik/Soo-yeon pairing gets the most attention and development.  So-hee doesn’t come across as strongly as all the others and this is largely because of how Jeong-eun is written.  A pity, because she has much potential and is much more engaging than Ko Won-hee/Seo-jin from Part 1, and at least she's cute!

The relationships

The three guys are funny, in a different way from the three guys in Part 1.  If I had to choose, I prefer the original trio.

U-sik and Soo-yeon are the sweet couple of Part 2 and get so much airtime!  I did wish they could have gotten together a bit earlier than they did, as all the agonising about each other dragged on for a bit too long.

Yu-ri and Ki-bong getting together was a wonderful surprise!  They were my favourite couple – so unexpected and so amusing, because Ye-won and Hyun-soo are fantastically funny individually and as a pair.

Poor Jeong-eun suffers the same fate as Seo-jin in Part 1 – being paired with Jun-ki in a weirdly developed relationship.  We don’t know why she likes him, and we don’t know why he eventually likes her.  Hence, Jun-ki and partner are once again the weakest couple.

Some favourites:

- Jeon Soo-keon reprising her role as the landlady – once again surprising me with her comedic ability

- Jun-ki doing a Lee Jun-ki in The King and the Clown, even with the same hair-do and costume!

- Yu-ri getting pregnant… and suddenly we have a baby character in Part 2 too!

- the food scenes and references

- the hilarious scenes, such as Ki-bong having to get into the ice tub on the roof, Ki-bong trying to fix Yu-ri’s chair, In Gyo-jin doing all his actions multiple times during the baseball trials, Soo-yeon interviewing the sheep farmer who talks so slowly that everyone falls asleep, the Rebecca scenes and the Jun-ki scenes!!

oh, Rebecca! 😘

- the three guys singing the theme song

Heart-warming yet laughable, with the very encouraging moral of its story to always give it a go and try one’s best! 


16 episodes, JTBC


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