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Showing posts from April, 2005

The plight of single mums

After a few days in the spotlight in the papers, the plight of single mums has now unfortunately taken a backseat, or maybe has gone under the carpet, eclipsed by the momentous IR, previously known as 'casino', discussion. I wonder how many people actually think about how hard it must be for single mums. Wish society here could be more understanding about their situation. Anyone who has had a child would know that it is tough having to care for the child all on your own. And these mums often have to do it with little or no family support. Worse, mother (unmarried) + child does not = a 'family unit' under HDB guidelines and they have to apply for special permission to buy an flat. It is the last thing they should be made to do, what with all their worries about how they are going to bring up the child, manage their finances, cope with work life, etc. If I'm not wrong, the mother-child bond is seen as the foundation of life in many traditions. I think it is brave and

Musings of a rookie stay@home mum

So I finally did what I think is the best thing for my kid and my family. Most, even my superiors, were supportive of the decision. A few people (female) said they were envious of my wonderful fortune to be able to stop work and stay home full time. Others (and this blog is named in their honour!) were envious that I would now be so 'free' and would be leading a tai-tai life. And I just know what they will say when they know about this blog: 'wah, so free ah?' Hey, I'm no tai-tai, ok? First, I'm not married to a rich man. That's the end of the story, actually... I have no maid, I mind the house, mind the son, wait in the hot sun at his school gate, etc. Despite reminding people of this, I suspect some of them still have visions of me lounging in front of the telly all day or going for regular high teas or something. Another reaction to the idea of me leaving the working world was 'what a waste!' I'm not sure what people meant by that. What a wast