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Showing posts from October, 2009

Fancy bumping into her at ION?

Oooh... Ana Ivanovic is in Singapore... Just making a random guess about where to spot her...

'High' rise?

We were told in yesterday's ST that HDB resale prices are at a high. I guess there are some people who expect a resounding round of cheers whenever such news is reported. I wonder if they remember that there are many of us for whom such developments are of little comfort. Like when this 'high' means that your flat now costs $120, 000 less (as compared to $150,000 less) than the price you paid for it. I wonder if they realise that highlighting the current $3,000 - $12,000 range for the 'cash over valuation' is a joke when you paid, like, more than five times that amount. After so many years, I am still absolutely sore about having had to cough up what felt like a million dollars in cash. (not where I live; sorry, forgot where I got this picture from) I'm afraid I never quite believed that we paid for 'cheap', 'affordable' housing. Just cheaper, more affordable housing.