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Showing posts from May, 2005

Where does the time go? To preparing and cooking meals.

Wow, my last entry was done last month. Proof enough that staying at home doesn't necessarily mean you are a tai-tai. Where does all my time go? I realise that if I didn't prepare and cook lunch and dinner, I could 'save' about 2 hours each day, which could be spent blogging, surfing, reading, shopping, exercising, having my nails done... Maybe one day I will become such a pro in the kitchen that I would save time even when preparing and cooking the meals. I also notice many mums, and even maids, buy lunch from the food centre before picking their children up from school. Definitely a time-creating practice. We'll see... Such a trivial entry this is turning out to be. Hopefully no one will feel that they are being defamed by this. Stay-at-home mums are featured in this month's Female . All say that they are not living tai-tai lives. However, I suspect that they are better off than I am. Anyway, as stressed in that feature, I shall remember not to be a 'frump