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Court trouble

I can't take it any longer. That's it for me.
[pic taken from AO website]
Surreal. It's just weird seeing Justine losing a first set 1-6 and not being able to return well. So Amelie is Australian Open champ, in a rather odd way. I mean, having played against three opponents who had to abandon the match, including the semi and final, must surely be rather un-satisfying. It's like you didn't really win the tournament.

Read in someone's blog that Justine has effectively destroyed the moment for Amelie. She can't really savour victory because she 'won' in such circumstances. That's one way of looking at it, I suppose. But those of us here who have had (or still have) intimate experience with stomach trouble, well, me at least, can fully sympathise, empathise, etc, with Justine. I do also feel sorry for Amelie because she is trying so hard to convince herself that she deserved to win. She's saying stuff like I played well, I didn't notice her shots were weak, etc.

It reminded me of the Coria-Gaudio French Open 2004 Final, when Coria, with victory almost in his hands, started cramping and couldn't walk and serve properly. Although he did finish the match, I'd say he hasn't gotten over it mentally and so he's not going as far in tournaments as he should. Just my humble opinion.

For their sakes, I hope Amelie, Justine and Kim get over this physical and psychological mess and get on with it. I'd say Justine and Kim at least are good for another Grand Slam title or two. Just another humble opinion.

Also, good show, Yan Zi and Zheng Jie, whose names I got wrong in my previous post. Aaagh... how could I make that kind of mistake.
I couldn't help thinking that Lisa Raymond and Sam Stosur looked old and tired in their match, while the China ladies were so spunky. Which is how I would describe Justine on her normal day too.

Snoopy, Spike, Andy, Olaf and Belle wish everyone a happy new year!

We are having a rather low-profile one because the boy threw up his dinner last night and anyway was already having a runny nose and cough, and has a slight fever today, though he remains in his usual high spirits. He has had his Ventolin puff and has stopped sounding like a coughing rhinoceres, which is what my niece said about his cough.

And now for Federer versus Baghdatis...


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