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Interlude - father and son

The husband left this evening for a short overseas trip. It is certainly not the first time he is travelling without us, but the boy started bawling his eyes out after we said bye to him at the lift.

I asked him why he was crying and he said that he was sad to see him go off and that he would miss him... wah... wah... and he wouldn't be able to see him for the rest of the week... wah wah...

He was comforted somewhat only when I reminded him that the week was almost over anyway, and there weren't too many days to count before he would be back. And then he remembered it was dinner time...

Aiyoh, I've always known that he was a sensitive little soul but this deluge of tears caught me quite unprepared. And then I realised that this was the first time he was actually seeing him leave. Most other times, he leaves in the wee hours of the morning or late at night.

Well, he must be doing something right as a dad, musn't he?


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